Federal agents had been investigating Mr. Shen and Ms. Chang since February 2011 in connection with alleged narcotics smuggling, according to the criminal complaint. 这份刑事起诉书显示,美国联邦探员自2011年2月以来就以涉嫌毒品走私对沈会胜和郑焕玲进行调查。
The alleged events between 1998 and 2002 have prompted not just the criminal case, due to be heard in August, but also a civil suit. 据称上述事件发生在1998年至2002年期间,引发的不仅是这宗定于8月庭审的刑事案件,还有一起民事诉讼。
The US investigation into alleged manipulation of interbank lending rates is focusing on possible violations of a US commodities law, which could result in the most serious criminal prosecutions of the financial crisis. 美国官方针对据称的操纵银行间同业拆借利率的调查,正聚焦于触犯美国大宗商品法律的可能性,这可能导致金融危机中最严重的刑事诉讼。
Two alleged Congolese militia leaders have denied war crimes at the start of their trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. 两名被指称的刚果国民军首领在海牙国际刑事法庭审判开始的时候就否认了战争罪行。
A Study on Russell's Referential Theory of Meaning-Being Different from the Argument of Indication and Substance Seminar on the Alleged Transnational Criminal 罗素意义指称理论述评及与《指物论》之比较指称的跨国公司罪犯问题讨论会
An alleged administrative criminal procedure, however, departs from the essence in the structure of action and the proceedings of action. 但由于多种因素的影响,实践中却在诉讼构造、诉讼程序、功能定位上偏离了诉讼应有的基本形态,而采用了与行政权类似的组织结构、运作方式以及价值目标。